About me

Hello! I'm CoachDStew and I am so excited you are here!

Picture of CoachDStew

"Chance" did not bring you here.... Your commitment to change did.

Wow. What can I say but that I’m honored by your visit. To have experienced so many blessings in my life and to have an opportunity to share what I’ve learned in the process is both humbling and exciting! 

As you can see below, I've worn many hats and garnered a lot of life experiences.

Structure and Commitment

Business Leadership

Passionate Instructor

Faith Is My Ultimate Driver
Yes I've experienced a lot in my quest to learn, experience, then teach life principles that achieve desired results. Though I've received graduate level education, I count my Christian faith and the life experiences above as the driving force behind my courses and teaching. It's all about results. 

Personal Background
I've been married to the greatest gift of my life since September 5th, 1998 and blessed to partner with her in raising two awesome young adults who are destined to change the world. 

I have always felt a call to commit to work that makes others' lives better. Achieving success financially, vocationally, relationally, and most importantly, spiritually and psychologically, I'm driven even more to share these success principles with others. 

The Power Behind This Web Resource
I seek to integrate in each of the resources provided on this website time tested principles and strategies that have stood the test of time. Sources include psychological techniques I've taught my clients in my private psychotherapy practice and students in my work as an Adjunct Professor. I combine this knowledge with spiritual principles that have been hiding in plain sight since this world began spinning. And I teach and coach these strategies in practical and easy to apply ways that bring lasting results. 

So let's waste no more time. Jump into the resource that fits your need and experience the results you deserve!

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